Publikováno: 13.4.2021
Reproductions of my works will appear on the title and back pages of the covers of the music review OPUS MUSICUM for 2021. On the front pages of all 4 of this year's issues, they acryliced on canvas with portraits of Stanislav Kolíbal 2011, Zdeněk Sýkora 2010/2011, Andrzej Nowacki 2011 and Eduard Ovčáček 2011. Reproductions on the back pages: Bank — Ice (Green Pool) 29. 12. 1999 – 2. 1. 2000, Grass VIII. 23. – 30. 1. 2001, Water's Surface I./II. 21. – 29. 10. 2000 and Oxbow Arm 18. – 25. 3. 1995.